
单价 面议对比
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浏览 711
发货 浙江温州市
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-12-01 23:41


苍南彩乐文具有限公司位于中国印刷城-----温州龙港,是一家集开发、设计、生产、销售安全和环保纸品的专业制造商。从创立之初本着专业纸制品发展的理念,已经成为较有特色的专业纸品生产供应商之一。公司专业生产各种美术用纸有多年历史,素描纸,水彩纸,图画纸,以及各种产品开发,素描本;水粉本,不干胶本,卡通不干胶,不干胶套装,笔记本系列产品。公司产品已远销海外. 本着质量第一,顾客至上, 互惠互利的原则, 彩乐文具将逐步成为国家级文具供应商之一.  本公司也接受OEM, 如果您对我们的任何一个产品有兴趣或者需要来样定做,请联系我们. 我们愿与国内外新老客户真诚合作, 共同发展创造美好的明天. The Cang Nan county color laughs because stationery Ltd. is located in China printing city- -- - - Wen Zhou City Long Gang, be the special field manufacturer who one gathers the paper productdeveloping , designing , producing , selling safety and environmental protection. From the ideathat products develops for the first time according to special field paper of being foundedby,already become the special field paper product having a characteristic comparatively producingone of supplier. Various fine arts of company specialized production uses paper to have historymany years , pencil sketching paper , watercolour paper , drawing paper, as well as various productexploitation , pencil sketching are this; Soaked bean-noodles does not do sticky capitaloriginally, cartoon not doing a glue , not doing the glue suit , notebook series of products. Thecompany product already has kept away from selling overseas. According to the mutually beneficialprinciple putting quality first and treating the customers as supremacy , benefiting each other,the color laughs because the stationery will become one of state-class stationery supplier step bystep. Our company also accepts OEM, if you have interest in our any products or need to come to customize kind , contact us please. We I wish the old and new customer sincerely cooperates with home and abroad , common development is created fine tomorrow. 产品图片:
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